Abdullah Rashed, Henrique Santos


This paper aims to present a view of some problems that users face with PINs and how they manage them. Furthermore, we aimed to explore effects of their PIN management techniques on judging PIN problems. The research questions were (1) Do users manage their PINs in a secure way? Are they aware of PIN problems? And (2) what are the perceptions of users surrounding the use of a biometrics authentication system? A survey instrument to test on Yemenis was carried out. Results show they do not suffer from the well-known problem which is forgetting PINs. Authors believe that due to the cultural behaviour men do not share credit cards or PINs with their partners. Moreover, in that culture they depend on cash payment and rarely use credit cards or websites for e-payment. Based on Rashed and Santos results, our study recommends using biometrics and PIN s in ATM. Index Terms - Technology Acceptance, TAM, Intension to use, Biometrics, Arab Culture.

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ISSN 2319-0507



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